Message from the President
Thank you for visiting the Society of United States Air Force Flight Surgeons (SoUSAFFS) web page. We are the Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) constituent organization which represents all Air Force flight surgeons (FS): Active Duty, Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, and retired. The society exists to advocate for USAF Flight Surgeons at the national and international level and to advance education, mentoring, and networking among all flight surgeons.
SoUSAFFS was established in 1960 to specifically support USAF Flight Surgeons in additional avenues to complement the AsMA organization. Since then, SoUSAFFS members have contributed in immeasurable ways to the advancement of the art and science of Aerospace Medicine and have shaped the Air Force Medical Service into the premier organization that it is today. Many SoUSAFFS members are icons in aerospace medicine and members of this organization continue to lead across AsMA, within the USAF and across the spectrum of government and private industry.
We welcome you to this organization and encourage you to join and participate. If you are not an AsMA member, please join. If you are an AsMA member and eligible to be a SoUSAFFS member please join (see membership criteria; note that you don’t have to be a USAF Flight Surgeon to join!). If you are a SoUSAFFS member, please update your profile and consider becoming a committee member or officer. We need your support and talents to make SoUSAFFS even better!
This is an exciting and unprecedented time in our USAF history. Operational Medical Support will play an increasingly vital role in the future of our Nation’s defense, and this is truly an exciting time to be an Air Force Flight Surgeon! I look forward to seeing you all in the field and hearing about your amazing accomplishments and missions you support.
Let’s go do great things!
Col Tory "SHOT" Woodard, USAF, MC, CFS
President, SoUSAFFS

Society Purpose
The Society shall direct its efforts toward continuing strong contributions to the mission of the Air Force, foster the mission orientation of its members, and emphasize to commanders the benefits of its professional contributions.
It shall foster the advancement of the art and science of aerospace medicine throughout the Air Force and will encourage the clinical, laboratory, flight line, and inflight investigation of human performance and medical problems in Air Force flying, missile, and space operations, and will encourage the dissemination of the knowledge and experience gained.
It shall foster professional relations between its members and flying personnel of the Air Force, members of other military services, the civilian flying population, and the aerospace industry, and will endeavor to increase the military and civilian awareness of the high standards of practice maintained by Air Force flight surgeons.
It shall strive to interest young physicians in an Air Force career in aerospace medicine and board certification in the specialty.
It shall encourage the professional growth and development of its members to maintain the highest standard of practice of aerospace medicine in the Air Force.
It shall recommend to the Surgeon General, United States Air Force, appropriate measures for the improvement of the career and practice of aerospace medicine in the United States Air Force.
It shall strengthen professional ties, promote social interchange among its members, and increase the solidarity of the group in its practice of the specialty and the support of the Air Force mission.